My family got a new golden retriever puppy named Jack. He is adorable, but mostly right before he goes to bed and right after he wakes up. In between, he bites everything he can get his teeth on and pees and poops everywhere. Naturally, this is to be expected of a puppy, but I have cuts all over my hands and arms and all I want to do is hold him, not yell at him for biting me. I am a bad animal trainer because he is too cute to scold so I talk to him like he is a person and will understand me. He doesn't, and usually thinks I'm wanting him to continue "playing with me." His face goes from an angelic adorable face worthy of being a puppy model to a scene from animal planet of a lion eating it's pray, and he snaps his teeth onto my hands, or legs, or arms, or face. Anything. For the time being, I'll say he's teething to justify his satanic transformation, but hopefully this doesn't keep up for too long. I don't think my hands and skin can handle the torment.